Academic Success

We strongly believe that academic success cannot be measured by league tables alone but by a child's confidence in their own success.  

Our academic standards are high and rigorous enabling thorough testing of skills and knowledge throughout a term with Common Tasks, so called because every child in the specific year group sits the same assessment (one per term per subject) providing strong feedback for parents, teachers and learners alike.

Our school day is structured to maximise learning with one hour lessons, aiding social connections as well as maximising concentration. 

Entry in Year 9

We offer entry to Year 9 as an option to:

  • Windsor Middle School leavers
  • Independent School leavers whose school ends at Year 8
  • Students who started their Senior journey in a state school but wish to now continue with us

Our usual point of entry is Year 7 and therefore have limited places in Year 9.  We recommend students register in Year 6 to confirm their place in Year 9. 

Scholarships for Year 9 Entry 


We are well versed in integrating girls into the school mid-way through a year, as well as starting a new year such as in Year 9. We offer a Taster Day for all new girls before they start in Year 9 so that fellow students can be met and are familiar with the teaching environment.  On arrival to Year 9, girls are matched with a student with similar interests to help integrate into a friendship group. Our class sizes are small and capped at 20 to ensure maximum participation in learning; our students like to learn and are well behaved.  Pastoral support is high and each pupil is known as the individual she is. 

GCSE Subjects

More detail about subject selection and the content of the courses is available in the following publication:

Senior Girls GCSE Options Handbook