On Tuesday 10 October, Claires Court hosted the ISA London West Regional Arts competition at the Norden Farm, Centre of Arts, in Maidenhead to coincide with the Headmasters Conference.
It was a very successful day with over 300 artworks on display from over 30 different ISA schools in the region. Art teachers were treated to a day of CPD training covering 'The Importance of Art in the Curriculum', delivered by our own Head of Art, Mr Wareing. Congratulations to all the entrants and winners highlighted in the album below.
KS3 Winner Textiles - Ilari Sabatini
KS2 Winner Art 2D Group- Class 6L
KS 1 Sketch Book - Bee Crowder
KS1 Drawing - Chloe Cox
It is brilliant to see the wide range of artistic talent that we have in the region and the exhibition has categories in Sculpture, Photography, Textiles and Fine Art. It is also great seeing work ranging from Nursery to Sixth Form in one space, you can really see the progression of creative children throughout their time at Senior School.
Mr Wareing - Head of Art